Bella's Rescue   

(Chocolate's First Co-Painting)

November 2016

Communication   May 25, 2017

Self portrait of both artists communicating with two hawks and other totems.  What do you see in our paintings?

Equine Co-Created Art 5 x 7 Print Cards   $4 each

To purchase cards please email me from the contact us page of this website.

A portion of the proceeds of all art sales will be donated to Horsen' Around Rescue and Ranch Foundation.  We are thankful for all the horses, donkeys, and mules assisted by this rescue and for the support and assistance given to Bella, Chocolate Whisper, and me.  Please visit:

Iced Chocolate  (Chocolate's first time free painting off the lead rope)  December 21, 2017

Multiple head views of Chocolate Whisper

Solstice Joy  (Chocolate's first time free painting off the lead rope)  December 21, 2017

Chocolate (bottom left) galloping while in his winter blanket; Silver horse bucks with joy

Instant Karma Balance
Hypnotherapy, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique,
Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Intuitive Painting
​by Cynthea Cameron, CHt.